Biography and Testimony | updated 6/28/2024

Robert Cascio PhD is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, blessed husband and father, respected faculty member at the University of Central Florida, and the grateful founder of a privately-owned commercial real estate company. With the Holy Spirit as his Guide, Robert thrives on the exploration, scientific study, and joy of the Christian faith first and foremost. Serving Christ through his life and family is the focus. Robert believes God called him to teach business strategy at the graduate level, conduct commercial real estate analytics and valuation, and provide some limited, highly focused, Spiritual and strategic consulting. Those close to him describe Robert as inspired by God as well as adventurous, goal-oriented, innovative, passionate, and self-assured in Christ.

Research, Education, and Consulting

In 2011, Dr. Cascio achieved his PhD in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing Strategy. His dedication to advancing this field has led to publications in prestigious academic and other esteemed journals such as Academy of Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, Advances in Consumer Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Marketing Education Review, and Psychology & Marketing. His research on topics like extraordinary experiences, luxury branding, marketing innovation, sales force technology and student interaction has earned recognition and praise from both academic and practical circles. Robert was also honored as the UCF recipient of the distinguished American Marketing Association’s Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow Award. Robert enjoys the opportunity to partner with entrepreneurs and executives through academic research, data collection, and strategic business consulting. Facilitating the use of peer-reviewed academic literature and ensuring sound psychometric properties for feedback collection and survey administration are rewarding assignments for Robert, as they often lead to more satisfied consumers and employees.

Course Instruction

Dr. Cascio’s teaching gift shines through in his exceptional instruction of various executive, graduate, professional, and undergraduate business courses with consistently outstanding student evaluations. His courses encompass a range of subjects, including Applied Strategy and Business Policy, Digital Marketing, Leadership and Development, Marketing Strategy, Professional Selling, and Strategic Innovation. An avid global explorer, Robert was an invited lecturer and visiting scholar to countries including Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Panama, Peru, and Spain. In addition, his dedication to graduate student teaching excellence has earned official recognition and accolades from the UCF College of Graduate Studies.

Career and Work Experience

Before embarking on his Doctoral journey, Robert appreciated a fruitful 13-year career with AT&T, both home and abroad. At AT&T, he took the helm in roles involving business development, consumer awareness campaigns, financial operations, and production management. Notable milestones in his career included directing and revitalizing an AT&T subsidiary in Lima, Peru for a two-year assignment, and securing award-winning business development achievements in North and Central Florida’s premise and telephone sales divisions.

Entrepreneurial Experience

Presently, Dr. Cascio serves as the managing director of a private real estate investment and brokerage company, overseeing a portfolio of prominent commercial and industrial properties. His key responsibilities encompass creative problem-solving for landlords and tenants, IRS Section 1031 strategies for tax-free capital appreciation, mutually beneficial sale-leaseback negotiations, portfolio analysis and management, among other value-creating strategies for investment real estate partners.

Service Philosophy

While Robert is passionate about continuing to get the very most from this life on Earth, Robert is firmly committed each day to a Luke 12:34 perspective: Store up your treasures in heaven. Robert is convinced these treasures reference the authentic relationships we build with other individuals that will survive this present life and build a critical foundation for our eternal endeavors. Convinced that each person has unique God-given abilities, his mission is to guide acquaintances, clients, family, friends, and students to discover and develop those abilities with the purpose of achieving greater levels of joy and peace with every human interaction. Robert enjoys being mentored and discipled for the work of Jesus and mentoring and discipling others for the same. Robert’s heart is drawn to support organizations that have the love, peace, and joy of Jesus Christ as their mission. The leaders and volunteers of certain not-for-profit (NFP) organizations routinely bless Dr. Cascio as he connects deeper with the powerful call that God has placed on their NFP service organizations. These include Action Church – Winter Park, Campus Crusade (Cru), Central Care Mission, Choices Women’s Clinic, Faculty Commons, Good News Jail Ministry, and The Urban Alternative.


Robert’s vision for this life revolves around achieving harmony through various pursuits. He eagerly anticipates participating in weekly bible study, engaging in Christian mission work, family adventures, international travel, mountain and road biking, scuba diving, and weight training. Robert is modestly conversational in Spanish and knows some basic Italian. He married Brooke in 2017, a remarkable God-fearing woman of very deep Christian faith, and has been blessed with 3 inquisitive and energetic children: Rachel Anna (2018), Joshua Mark (2020), and Noah Carmelo (2022). Robert’s favorite quote is Ephesians 3:20 — “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…”.

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