Academic Research Recognition
- American Marketing Association
Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow | June 2-6, 2010
Invited to international conference to promote scholarship in marketing
- UCF Graduate Research Forum | Poster Presentation
Certificate of Excellence | March 30, 2010
Presented research model linking marketing innovation and long-term firm performance
- UCF Graduate Research Forum 2010
Best in Category Award | March 30, 2010
Selected as the College of Business Administration winner for marketing innovation presentation
- UCF Graduate Research Forum 2009
Certificate of Excellence | March 2009
Presented research on adoption of sales force automation technologies
- UCF Graduate Research Forum 2008
Best in Category Award | March 2008
Selected as the College of Business Administration winner for online customer satisfaction research
Teaching Recognition
- UCF Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching 2010
University-Wide Winner | April 9, 2010
Selected among the university at large for highest recognition in graduate student instruction
- UCF Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching 2010
College of Business Administration Ph D Teaching Award | March 2010
Chosen as the best graduate student instructor within the College of Business Administration