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Textbook Info:
Textbook – You have 3 options. All of the book are authored by Weitz, Castleberry, Tanner and are entitled: Selling – Building Partnerships.
- Custom UCF Version: ISBN 0077384865. $95. Only available at the UCF bookstore. Full-color, softback. This is the same as the standard 7th edition version, but it does not contain chapters 4 (Buyer Behavior and the Buying Process), 13 (Formal Negotiating), 15 (Managing Your Time and Terriorty), and 16 (Managing within Your Company). We do not use those chapters in this class.
- Purchase an e-book at ISBN-13: 978-0-07-727203-6 $94
- New or used 7th Edition, ISBN: 9780073381084
- Selling: Building Partnerships, 7e remains the most innovative textbook in the Selling course area today with its unique role plays and partnering skills which are critical skills for all business people. The authors emphasize throughout the text on the need for salespeople to be flexible-to adapt their strategies to customer needs, buyer social styles, and relationship needs and strategies. This is followed by a complete discussion of how effective selling and career growth are achieved through planning and continual learning. This market leading text has been updated to continue its relevance in the Selling market today just as it was twenty years ago.
- Website for supplemental textbook information: