Jesus Christ Rules My Life
Becoming a born-again Christian years ago, changed my life forever. I am grateful to the numerous people that invested their time and effort in helping me to come to know the Lord in a very personal way as I believe He intended. Complete fulfillment through Jesus Christ is something that only a God-fearing, live-by-faith follower can experience. A happy person before my walk with The Lord, I didn’t know what I didn’t know about how much peace and joy is out there. The Lord truly desires to bless those who choose His ways through contentment, love, forgiveness, and purpose.
My favorite book of the New Testament is the Gospel of John. It is here that we learn of our everlasting life through Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, so we shall not perish but have eternal life” -John 3:16.
I love to talk about my faith with others. Ask me anytime.
God bless you,
My Personal Christian Testimony
As a young boy, I grew up learning about Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church. They taught me that religion was good, my First Communion was a big thing, and that my Confirmation was very important. I remember attending church and Sunday school with my family. I was a pretty good listener, but I didn’t really understand the meaning behind it all.
While attending high school and college, I continued to attend the Catholic Church periodically, listening to the sermons with interest. It is not that I didn’t believe, I just didn’t think there was anything more to faith than what I was already experiencing. I was truly blessed. I was smart and athletic, had a great part-time job, lots of friends, and girls thought I was attractive. Life was fun. I didn’t think it could get much better.
During my last year of college, I met two ladies, Debra and Barbara, that took an particular interest in my spiritual life. They were frequent restaurant guests at Perkins Restaurant, my part -time employer during my undergraduate studies. I observed, from a distance, their prayers, discussions about the bible, and genuine concern for others. Over the course of a year, I came to know them better. They prayed for me without my knowledge. At the same time I had finished my last college course, my eyes were opened to Jesus Christ. I discovered that I was missing a truly fulfilling life without The Lord in the center of it. I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ at 21 years old (September 20) and began experiencing what a real walk with Christ is all about.
One month after professing my faith, Jesus changing my circumstances and brought me a job that required relocation to North Carolina. During the next 15 months, I came to rely on only Him, being away from my family and friends for the first time in life. I learned to trust Him with both the big and the little decisions in my life. I didn’t always get what I wanted, but over time I began to see the work that He was doing in my life. He truly is omniscient.
Today, I can’t imagine an hour without Christ. Knowing that His grace and knowledge is there for the asking 24 hours a day is such a relieving and powerful absolute in my life. We can truly accomplish anything through His grace and power.
I long to share my experiences and faith in Jesus Christ with others. I pray that my friends, family, and all the people that are placed in my life may come to know Him on a personal level. By far, this is the best gift I have every received and I long to share it with everyone I can. Despite my many faults, I pray often that Christ will use me so that others will come see to Him personally and experience the love, peace, and joy that I am convinced only He can provide.
So what do I believe specifically? I believe…
· The Bible to be the only infallible, inspired, authoritative Word of God
· In one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
· In the deity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles
· In His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection,
· In His personal return in power and glory
· In the Holy Spirit who leads and equips us to fulfill the will of the Father in our lives as recorded in Acts 1:8
· In the resurrection of the saved and the lost: the saved to the resurrection of life, the lost to eternal death.
· In the spiritual unity of believers in Christ.